Helping the community during Thanksgiving kicks off the season of giving back for RSVP volunteers. Cold and rain on November 24, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. did not prevent the volunteer efforts of RSVP volunteers to come out to the New River Com
munity Action food site. They helped to organize and put together Thanksgiving food boxes for 30 local Giles County families who can use extra help during this economic challenged season. To qualify for assistance a family or individual must meet New River Community Actions income guidelines. To find out more about New River Community Action please follow this web address
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
2008 Volunteer of the Year Announced at the Annual Recognition Banquet

The Giles RSVP Volunteer of the Year for 2008 was awarded to Joan Peek. Recognized for her hours served and the work she has done this past year in recruiting 14 new RSVP volunteers to the program, Joan serves with the Giles Chamber Of Commerce, Giles Arts Council, Giles Historical Society, The Reality Store for Giles High School Seniors, Giles RSVP office by helping with volunteer recruitment, newsletter mailing, RSVP office assistance, making phone calls of reminders to RSVP members, serving the elderly, sick and shut-in’s, Giles Rotary Club, the SHARE program, coordinating and organizing the RSVP volunteer float for the Pearisburg Bicentennial Parade. She always jumps in and helps when there is a need with a bright smile and tons of enthusiasm. Joan cares about the needs of others in her community and has taken action to fill those needs. Recently she was quoted “On days when I am not volunteering and just watching TV, I wonder what I could be doing, I could do so much more.” By being a member of Giles RSVP she is helping the program stay in Giles County, helping others, and a true inspiration to all that know her.
“Getting Things Done” was the theme of the 2008 RSVP Appreciation Banquet on Thursday November 13, 2008. RSVP volunteer members who served 50 hours or more during the past year, and supervisor’s at worksite’s receiving RSVP hours, were invited to attend the Annual RSVP Appreciation Banquet held at Friends and Family Restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. Bud and Nancy Dowdy entertained everyone with beautiful music before, and during the meal. Eight beautiful fall wreaths were given away to members as door prizes as was a commemorative ornament from the Giles Chamber of Commerce, a Pearisburg Bicentennial limited edition t-shirt, two units from SHARE at $24.00 each, 4 SHARE commemorative cookbooks, $25 gift certificate from Wal-Mart were all given out to members. Each volunteer received a pocket day planner with the motto “RSVP, Getting Things Done” printed on the front, and a Giles RSVP appreciation certificate.
Special guest entertainers the Wilderness Road Chorus, Sweet Adelines’ provided lively songs in 4 part harmony. They addressed how important community service is and how RSVP volunteers are providing services that are needed in helping address the needs of Giles County. They commended the volunteers for their hard work and dedication to others.
Also receiving recognition was RSVP members Lou Gurney and Dan Level, both served outstanding hours in 2008. Mr. Lou served with the Giles Historical Society, Holy Family Catholic Church, coordinating group travel and volunteer activities at three nursing homes, adult day care, and the SHARE Warehouse as well as planning and leading other volunteers in teaching craft classes to residents of nursing homes, the adult day care and the Giles Senior Center. Mr. Level served hours mobilizing other volunteers in addition to serving with AARP as Chapter President 445 Giles and the VA Delegate to AARP National Convention, Giles Chamber of Commerce –Board Secretary, American Legion-Oratorical Scholarship Program, coordinating blood drives and volunteer activities for The American Red Cross at Pearisburg and Narrows locations, Giles Historical Society, NRV Agency on Aging Advisory Board, Board Member of the Giles County Housing and Development, Pearisburg High School Alumni Assoc. Committee Chair, and the Pearisburg Olde Towne Association President.
Karen Pluth another valued RSVP member was recognized for the many hours she dedicated several months prior to the Giles RSVP Boomer and Senior Lifestyle Expo in making contact with vendors and contributors. The efforts and hard work she contributed the week before preparing for the event and her welcoming smile at the registration table throughout and the extended hours after the Expo.

Members of the Giles RSVP Advisory Council were recognized for their hard work this past year and introduced. Sally Grogan, Giles RSVP Advisory President, Panzie Whittaker, Giles RSVP Advisory Vice President. Members: Irene Hodge, Caroleen Clowers, Les Sears, Helen Gillespie, Dianne Rader, and Pete Zanitich. Each council member received a special gift thanking them for their dedication to the Council and the Giles RSVP Program. The Giles RSVP Advisory Council meets every other month to discuss needs in the community that the RSVP Program can assist with. They come together to discuss how RSVP in Giles can make an impact to increase awareness and provide assistance where needed. Some of the projects they spearheaded in 2008 – Martin Luther King Jr. day project to reflect on character building past and future with Narrows Elementary School, the 2008 Child and Adult Coat drive for the Giles Christian Mission, Cultural Heritage – participation in the Pearisburg Bicentennial Parade, the Back to School book bag and supply drive and the annual Giles RSVP Boomer and Senior Lifestyle Expo.
The Giles RSVP Program is a Program of the National Corporation of Community Service and Senior Corp. We encourage individuals 55 and better to become involved in community service for their community. Many individuals who are 55 and better are already providing volunteer hours to their community. To continue the success of the RSVP program we need these individuals as new members who are actively volunteering. By joining as a member you will be helping other seniors who may not be as active have the opportunity to participate in special events, participate with a volunteer group, give encouragement for someone who may need to stay active, and provide secondary volunteer insurance benefits for all RSVP members. The RSVP Program provides events and assistance to senior citizens and other non-profit organizations.
Some of the events sponsored by the Giles RSVP Program are the community disaster awareness presentations, the Giles Senior Lifestyle Expo, senior environmental field trips, health and other senior special interest presentations. An upcoming event that the Giles RSVP will hold will be the winter coat drive this coming January. We ask that if you have good condition, clean winter coats in adult and children’s sizes please take them in January, to the Giles Christian Mission in Pearisburg and tell them that they are for the RSVP Coat drive. This helps us serve those who are in need in Giles County. If you are 55 and better and would like to become a member please contact Chris Blankenship at 921-2037 or we are “Getting Things Done” in Giles County.
Special guest entertainers the Wilderness Road Chorus, Sweet Adelines’ provided lively songs in 4 part harmony. They addressed how important community service is and how RSVP volunteers are providing services that are needed in helping address the needs of Giles County. They commended the volunteers for their hard work and dedication to others.
Also receiving recognition was RSVP members Lou Gurney and Dan Level, both served outstanding hours in 2008. Mr. Lou served with the Giles Historical Society, Holy Family Catholic Church, coordinating group travel and volunteer activities at three nursing homes, adult day care, and the SHARE Warehouse as well as planning and leading other volunteers in teaching craft classes to residents of nursing homes, the adult day care and the Giles Senior Center. Mr. Level served hours mobilizing other volunteers in addition to serving with AARP as Chapter President 445 Giles and the VA Delegate to AARP National Convention, Giles Chamber of Commerce –Board Secretary, American Legion-Oratorical Scholarship Program, coordinating blood drives and volunteer activities for The American Red Cross at Pearisburg and Narrows locations, Giles Historical Society, NRV Agency on Aging Advisory Board, Board Member of the Giles County Housing and Development, Pearisburg High School Alumni Assoc. Committee Chair, and the Pearisburg Olde Towne Association President.
Karen Pluth another valued RSVP member was recognized for the many hours she dedicated several months prior to the Giles RSVP Boomer and Senior Lifestyle Expo in making contact with vendors and contributors. The efforts and hard work she contributed the week before preparing for the event and her welcoming smile at the registration table throughout and the extended hours after the Expo.
Members of the Giles RSVP Advisory Council were recognized for their hard work this past year and introduced. Sally Grogan, Giles RSVP Advisory President, Panzie Whittaker, Giles RSVP Advisory Vice President. Members: Irene Hodge, Caroleen Clowers, Les Sears, Helen Gillespie, Dianne Rader, and Pete Zanitich. Each council member received a special gift thanking them for their dedication to the Council and the Giles RSVP Program. The Giles RSVP Advisory Council meets every other month to discuss needs in the community that the RSVP Program can assist with. They come together to discuss how RSVP in Giles can make an impact to increase awareness and provide assistance where needed. Some of the projects they spearheaded in 2008 – Martin Luther King Jr. day project to reflect on character building past and future with Narrows Elementary School, the 2008 Child and Adult Coat drive for the Giles Christian Mission, Cultural Heritage – participation in the Pearisburg Bicentennial Parade, the Back to School book bag and supply drive and the annual Giles RSVP Boomer and Senior Lifestyle Expo.
The Giles RSVP Program is a Program of the National Corporation of Community Service and Senior Corp. We encourage individuals 55 and better to become involved in community service for their community. Many individuals who are 55 and better are already providing volunteer hours to their community. To continue the success of the RSVP program we need these individuals as new members who are actively volunteering. By joining as a member you will be helping other seniors who may not be as active have the opportunity to participate in special events, participate with a volunteer group, give encouragement for someone who may need to stay active, and provide secondary volunteer insurance benefits for all RSVP members. The RSVP Program provides events and assistance to senior citizens and other non-profit organizations.
Some of the events sponsored by the Giles RSVP Program are the community disaster awareness presentations, the Giles Senior Lifestyle Expo, senior environmental field trips, health and other senior special interest presentations. An upcoming event that the Giles RSVP will hold will be the winter coat drive this coming January. We ask that if you have good condition, clean winter coats in adult and children’s sizes please take them in January, to the Giles Christian Mission in Pearisburg and tell them that they are for the RSVP Coat drive. This helps us serve those who are in need in Giles County. If you are 55 and better and would like to become a member please contact Chris Blankenship at 921-2037 or we are “Getting Things Done” in Giles County.
Monday, November 17, 2008
RSVP Computer Class wrap up for 08 Fall semester session
Our computer class that we sponsor twice a year wrapped up the fall session last Wednesday November 12th. The classes were held at the Giles Technical Center with Jonathan Rexrode the lead instructor. Jonathan is with the Virginia Tech students Community Service Squared civic group. Jonathan with his helpers Morgan Harris and Mitchell Buyck taught Giles County Seniors the basic applications of navigating the Internet and working with digital cameras.
Ann Lawson a RSVP volunteer also helped senior students navigate keeping the class on schedule. We plan to partner with the VT students and the Giles Technical Center again in Spring 09 to offer computer instruction again to all Giles senior citizens. Eight seniors benefited during this session. We hope to see these numbers grow each semester session.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Expo a Wonderful Success
I would like to thank all the volunteers who helped the night before to set up for the Expo and before, during and after the Event. Without the hard work and planning of the volunteers this event would not be possible. Thanks to the County of Giles, and the Town of Pearisburg their staff was fantastic to help loan/move tables, loan chairs, help with set and clean up. I also want to thank everyone who participated as a vendor, special speaker/presenter, musical/dance entertainers, and the massage therapist who provided free massages. Thanks to Giles County TRIAD for sponsoring the Mobile Shred-A-Thon at the event! All the door prizes donated were great! Thanks to everyone for making this years Expo a wonderful success!
Planning for next years event has already begun. If you would like to serve on the planning committee please notify me and we will discuss the possibilities. I also welcome suggestions in helping to make next years event even better.
Planning for next years event has already begun. If you would like to serve on the planning committee please notify me and we will discuss the possibilities. I also welcome suggestions in helping to make next years event even better.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Busy Autumn Days
Sally Grogan packing a bag!

Autumn is one of the busiest times of the year for Giles RSVP or at least right now I believe it to be. The first of September we held our 2nd Annual Book Bag and Supply Drive. Our goal this year was to provide 20 school children with a new book bag filled with the basic school supplies before they started school. Our drive was a success, needless to say we met our goal! This was the first year we partnered with Magic Mart and held the drive on a Saturday morning in front of their store. Our Advisory Council President Sally Grogan, took this project under her wing. She received donations from the VFW Auxiliary, the American Legion and other private individuals. She also headed up the supply drive held at Magic Mart. Recruiting organizations and individuals to contribute to this worthy project we met our goal thanks to Sally’s determination. We estimated that each bag filled with supplies was worth $25.00 thus assisting Giles families with an estimated total of 500.00 support in going back to school.
With the Book Bag and Supply Project a success we moved on to our next event, the Giles RSVP Boomer and Senior Lifestyle Expo to be held on October 24th, just 4 days from now. The Giles RSVP Advisory Council serves as the event committee, each member takes on a responsibility related to the success of the event. This event contributes to the education, information and socialization for all seniors in Giles County. A full day of live music, entertainment, special presentations, 31 vendor information tables, exercise and dance participation/instruction, and a fashion show. This year for the first time at the Expo will be a Flu Clinic sponsored by the NRV Free Clinic and a Mobile Shred-A-Thon sponsored by Giles TRIAD! The mobile shredder has drawn much excitement! Seniors will be able to bring those sensitive documents that they need to dispose of to the Expo and actually watch them after they dump them in the shredder on a video monitor being torn, chopped, shredded and annihilated by the machine. All free for seniors! In addition for only $3.50 a lunch will be sold by RSVP volunteers to help with costs related to the Expo. This year Volunteers will serve brown beans, corn bread muffins, onions/relish, a slice of pumpkin bread, and either a can of soda or cup of coffee. We welcome all seniors to come out and enjoy a fun day with Giles RSVP!
The annual Volunteer Appreciation Banquet will be on Thursday, November 13, 2008! At this time I am busy working on making sure our invitations are mailed to all the volunteers who have served 50 hours this past year. I am assuring that each will have a certificate and gift. Making sure that the decorations, program, food and entertainment are all lined up. Organizing the recognition gifts for our GRSVP Advisory Council and with much deliberating I will be deciding who will receive the honorable volunteer of the year award! Stay tuned to hear who receives this honor!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Up and Running
We are up and running! I am Chris Blankenship, Giles RSVP Director, I co-direct the Floyd/Giles RSVP Program for New River Community Action. I have wanted to set up some type of site for Giles RSVP for a long time. I was torn between a website, my-space or a blog. After attending the Corporation for National & Community Service, National Conference on Volunteering and Service in Atlanta this past June I knew I had to do a blog! While at the conference I attended a workshop that talked about the social networking capabilities and I was hooked! I hope you can be patient with me as I try to adjust to this type of networking.
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