Wow has it been 6 months! Each week I plan to update our blog to let you know how our volunteers are doing and the projects they are working on and how they are making an impact in the Giles Communities. Unfortunately this gets put on the bottom of the list as a priority. With volunteer hours to key in, data to compile and reports to send to New River Community Action and the State Corporation for National and Community Service, not to mention planning our volunteer activities, events and press releases time runs out before I know it. Don't fear our RSVP volunteers have been working very hard!
The recap of the past six months:
December found RSVP volunteers working with 3 Volunteers helping NRCA assistance services sort, organized toys and clothing to fill Angel Tree lists for children who are in economically challenged homes. Two GRSVP volunteers continued to assist with Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for abused and neglected children in Giles County. As CASA volunteers they advocate for safe, permanent homes and serve as the eyes and ears for the judge on behalf of a child in need. They served 125 hours in December making it the second highest hours received at a worksite. The highest hours received was at the Carilion Giles Memorial Hospital - GRSVP baby boomer volunteer and President of the Hospital Auxiliary lead volunteers in the love light tree ceremony for families to remember loved ones who were patients of the hospital. Giles RSVP entered a Christmas tree in the first “Christmas Tree Contest” sponsored by the Pearisburg Bicentennial Committee. By having a Christmas tree on display it helped to bring awareness to the Giles Retired Senior Volunteer Program. The entry had a sign indicating it was by GRSVP and celebrating the season of giving back. A stead stream of Pearisburg residence visited the display and a special Town Council session recognized each tree entered and the winners of their category. A press release was also published in the Virginian Leader. There was no fee to enter and the event received great publicity and public relations. Giles RSVP’s tree won the category for “1800’s Christmas Tree” a $25.00 check was awarded to the program. Fifteen Giles RSVP volunteers stood in the cold, rain and wind to ring the donation bell for the Salvation Army in Giles County during the month of December. According to the salvation army donations received are used to help those in economic need through their office in Christiansburg.
January 2009 - The Giles RSVP’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day Project “Warm Winter Coat Drive’” was a success! 68 coats were donated by RSVP members and the community to the Giles Christian Mission. Giles RSVP Volunteer Ann Lawson, called all RSVP volunteers to notify them of the” Warm Winter Coat Drive’ and asked them to ask others to donate coats. This volunteer sent emails, made phone calls to friends, neighbors, community leaders and RSVP members. GRSVP coordinated and marketed an educational session that was conducted by Senior Navigator at the Giles Senior Center, six RSVP volunteers attended. All seniors in Giles were welcome to attend. Senior Navigator is a web site that has useful information and links to find information that seniors and care givers are likely to seek.
February -Partnering with the Giles County Wellness and Senior Center a fun afternoon for volunteers was provided to encourage peer/social interaction and wellness through utilizing the counties Wii game system to offer a bowling tournament for seniors. Giles RSVP Volunteer Jerry Eaton assists the Eastern Elementary/Middle school each Friday to make popcorn and sell to the students. Jerry also volunteer’s with the American Cancer Society in coordinating the “Road to Recovery” volunteer drivers in Giles and surrounding counties. This program helps individuals get to their cancer treatments and medical appointments. He also volunteers with Giles TRIAD/SALT, NRCA, and CHIP.
March - Giles RSVP Advisory Council held March meeting, new members are Stephanie Spencer, Volunteer Coordinator with Carilion Giles Memorial Hospital and Douglas Whittaker, Giles RSVP member. The Council reviewed the by-laws and made recommendations. The Council also decided to relinquish the Senior Lifestyle Expo due to lack of community participation and return on investment. Giles County Senior Programs have requested to hold the event in the future. In obtaining community support the Council has decided to hold a bean supper on Friday May 19th at the Pearisburg Festival Around Town and another bean supper in the fall, date to be determined. Ann Lawson called and emailed RSVP volunteers to attend the Giles RSVP sponsored Computer class for Giles County Seniors. Mrs. Lawson assists the Virginia Tech Computer Science students during the class working with the other seniors to explain basic computer applications. The spring class began March. Giles RSVP Director coordinated and collaboration efforts with the Giles Sheriff’s Office and the Giles Senior Center to hold the Giles TRIAD/SALT presentation of “Keeping Senior Safe” the Giles County Sheriff’s Office did a wonderful presentation about local scams and fraud that seniors need to look out for. Giles RSVP volunteers and staff called RSVP members, emailed members of the community, put up fliers about the forum to attract seniors to attend. Twenty one attended.
April -Partnering with the Town of Rich Creek Public Library , 6 RSVP volunteers served 24 hours in helping the Library to get up and running after a major renovation. RSVP volunteers organized labeled and moved books to shelves. Sandra Spangler assisted the First Christian Church with preparing the summer camp grounds for the many different camps that are held for special needs children during the summer. Sandra served 60 hours painting, cleaning, repairing furniture, grounds keeping. In celebrating volunteers for National Volunteer Week (April 19 to April 25) RSVP volunteers were invited to attend the
Giles RSVP Appreciation Tea at the Historic Andrew Johnston House. Guest speaker Malcolm Whittaker dressed in period 1800 costume entertained and educated the volunteers about the history of tea in the America’s. Sassafras tea was served in the dinning room where each volunteer received a lapel pin and choose a gift of their choice out of the gift bag.
May - Giles RSVP Director was welcomed by the Rich Creek Lions Club and the Triangle Ruitan Club to talk about and provide information on what the Retired Senior Volunteer Program does to help communities and how seniors can become involved. RSVP Volunteers assisted the Giles Historical Society with the Living History Days that was celebrated. Marcia and Pete Zanetich attended the Pembroke Emergency Preparedness Fair to demonstrate how to develop a home emergency kit. They also handed out checklists and planning forms for individuals and families to take home and start their own kit.